Golden Voices of Gospel Artist Recruiting Agents

All Gospel singers and musicians who are interested in performing on tour in European countries including Holland, Norway, Italy, Austria, Swizerland and Germany with the Golden Voices of Gospel are invited to apply. The following items are required:

1. Biography

2. Recent photograph

3. Two examples of your performance audio or youtube links

4. Picture of your valid passport (if you don't have one you should be prepared to apply for one as soon as possible).

5. To request an appointment for individual auditions and required interview in your area please email us at: mail ( at ) blackartist-entertainment ( dot ) eu 

Please include with your request your contact information along with the information list above. You will be contacted immediately by one of our local Artist Recruiting Agents who handle our castings and artist recommendations. 

Dr. Anthony Speight - SE Artist Recruiting Agent - Jacksonville, FL

Ruth Patterson - SW Artist Recruiting Agent - Waco, Texas